Contact me

Send any questions or email me to book a reading. Readings can be done via zoom or phone based on your preference. I prefer you don’t provide your full last name; just an initial is fine. It is important that I know very little about you the first time we work together.

How to prepare for a reading?

  1. Be sure you are somewhere quiet where you won’t be interrupted. This is your time and it’s important to allow yourself a calm setting for the experience.

  2. Keep an open mind - allow your soul to guide the experience.

  3. Set an intention for your reading. This could be for loved one to come through or a confirmation of a life direction you are taking. Although there is no guarantee who will show up or what will take place - focusing on an intention is an important step.

  4. During the reading, please just answer yes, no or not sure. That enables me to follow the energy and not build off any information you might share. Once we finish the reading you can provide specific feedback or elaborate on evidence.

  5. Grieving? The best timing for a reading is an individual choice. If you are in deep grief, it might be best to wait until you feel ready to open your heart during the the sitting to hear the message.

  6. Take notes as often the information that comes through can make sense at a later time.